Sign in with your Apple ID(the same as your iPhone).Start the Messages application from the docks.Just follow the elementary measures sketched below to set up, read, and reply to texts from Android users on your Mac. How To Send Text Messages Using Messages On Mac The process is relatively simple, and it requires only a single setup to send a text straight from your Mac. Sending messages on Mac to iPhone users through iMessage is pretty straightforward, but a few extra steps are needed to start texting Android phones. This means you can view all the news you add on your Mac from your iPhone as well. The text messages and conversations are synced across each one of your devices. This means you can send messages to contacts that have iPhones as well as to Android users. The pre-installed Messages application on Mac can send and get iMessages as well as traditional texts! Some Things To Keep In Mind When Using Messages For Web.How To Send Messages Using Messages For Web On Your Mac.How To Send Contacts On Android Messages.How To Send Text Messages Using Messages On Mac.